silage, maize, animal feed, fiber, starch, livestockAbstract
Feed is widely recognized as the most crucial component of livestock production systems, accounting for up to 70% of production costs. The existing gap between the supply and demand of fodder is a matter of significant concern. To minimize wastage and enhance animal production, fodder crops can be preserved as silage, haylage, or hay for feeding purposes. Maize silage stands out as a favored option due to its higher yield, acceptable nutritional content, and the presence of water-soluble carbohydrates that can be fermented into lactic acid. Additionally, it provides an economical source of fiber and starch that complements grazing for a substantial part of the year. When incorporating high levels of maize silage supplementation, optimizing milk solids output requires addressing dietary deficiencies in protein, minerals, and occasionally fiber. Although certain losses naturally occur during fermentation and storage, improving management techniques can help reduce them. Over the years, the in-situ approach has been widely employed to assess the expected digestibility of feed components in ruminants. This approach is a valuable tool for predicting the rumen degradability of organic matter derived from the diet. To address these challenges, it is imperative to identify non-conventional feed sources or encourage farmers to cultivate more nutritious fodder varieties.
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