Leaf rust, resistance genes, Lr1, Lr80, Triticum aestivumAbstract
Wheat is the world's third big crop producing 600 million tonnes yearly. For example, wheat harvest in 2007 was 607 million tonnes compared to rice and maize production of rice was 652 million tonnes and production of maize was 785 million tonnes. Although, due to fungus diseases, we lose 10% of our crops yearly. Leaf rust (Lr), Stripe rust (Sr), and yellow rust (Yr) are the three types of rust that are present in wheat. In this article, we discussed leaf rust and its resistance genes. Leaf rust is also known as “Brown Rust”. This disease is caused by the fungus Puccinia recondita f. sp tritici, which is the most serious in common wheat (Triticum aestivum). These fungal pathogen-caused resistance genes degrade the amount and quality of wheat fields. Leaf rust is primarily found on leaves, but it can also infect glumes. Scientists studying the illness have discovered that there are many types of resistance genes present in Leaf rust, which is also known as Lr. Until today there are 80 resistance genes have been discovered in leaf rust (Lr). So, the resistance genes Lr1 to Lr3ka, Lr10 to Lr13, Lr14b to Lr17b, Lr20, Lr22b, Lr27, Lr30, Lr31, Lr33, Lr34, Lr46, Lr48, Lr49, Lr52, Lr60, Lr67 to Lr70, Lr73 to Lr75, Lr78 and Lr80 theses all resistance genes of leaf rust (Lr) present in wheat (Triticum aestivum). These genes, Lr9 and Lr76 were discovered in (Aegilops umbellulate). Lr14a is a subset of Lr14 (Triticum dicoccum). Lr18 and Lr50 (Triticum timopheevii). Lr19, Lr24, Lr29 (Thinopyrum ponticum). Lr21, Lr22a, Lr32, Lr39, Lr42 (Aegilops tauschii). Lr23, Lr61 and Lr72 are different LRs (Triticum turgidum ssp. Durum). Lr25, Lr26, and Lr45 (Secale cereale). Lr28, Lr35, Lr36, Lr47, Lr51, Lr66 (Aegilops speltoides). Lr37 is an abbreviated form of the word (Triticum ventricosum). Lr38 is a slang name for a (Thinopyrum intermedium). Lr44, Lr65 and Lr71 (Triticum aestivum spelta). Lr53 and Lr64 (Triticum dicoccides). Lr54 is the resistance gene assigned to (Aegilops kotschyi). Lr55 is slang (Elymus trachycaulis). Lr56(Aegilops sharonensis). Lr57(Aegilops geniculate). Lr58(Aegilops triuncialis). Lr59(Aegilops peregrina). Lr62 (Aegilops neglecta). Lr63 (Triticum monococcum). Lr77 (Santa Fe). Lr79 (Triticum durum). Different varieties of wheat include these resistance genes. These resistance genes were identified because farmers don’t use spares or toxic chemicals on wheat. After all, these chemicals affect human health, so these resistance genes were identified to save human health.
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