Wheat Cultivars, Broadcast, Tillering Potential, Planting GeometryAbstract
A field experiment was conducted during rabi season 2017-18 to explore the tillering potential in wheat cultivars at different planting geometry at the research area of Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water and Marine Sciences, Uthal, Lasbela, Balochistan. The wheat cultivars "Zardana (Quetta region)" significantly produced 82.325 germination %, 292.00 tillers m-2, 104.29 productive spikes m-2, 71.958 non-productive spikes m-2, 76.433 cm plant height, 12.892 cm spike length, 17.550 spikelets spike-1, 54.233 grains spike-1, 65.550 (g) 1000-grains weight, 4.3917 grain yield (t ha-1), 37.333 cm Peduncle length, 5.3542 weight of straw (t ha-1). The 30 cm (plant x plant distance) sowing method resulted in a maximum germination % of 91.050, 316.50 tillers m-2, 120.43 m-2 productive spikes, 75.350 m-2 non–productive spikes, 89.650 cm plant height, 13.600 cm spike length, 22.283 spikelets spike-1, 64.833 grains spike-1, 78.483 g 1000-grains, 4.48 (t ha-1) grain yield. The technique of seeding 20 cm (plant x plant) spacing 83.867 germination %, 297.17 tillers m-2, and 104.77 productive spike m-2, 69.050 non-productive spikes m-2, 77.367 cm plant height 11.917 cm spike length, 18.867 spikelets spike-1, 54.883 grains spike-1, 68.700 (g) 1000 grains, 4.3 (t ha-1) grain yield, 38.117 peduncle length, and 5.2 (t ha -1) straw yield (t ha-1). The technique of seeding 10 centimetres (p x p distance) resulted in a minimum of 74.150 germination %, 274.33 tillers m-2, and 94.85 productive spikes m-2, 65.633 non-productive spikes m-2, 66.317 cm plant height, 10.450 cm spike length, 14.750 spikelets spike-1, 47.650 grains spike-1, 59.083 (g) 1000-grains, 3.9 (t ha-1) grain yield, 33.967 Peduncle length, and 4.9 (t ha-1) straw yield, while, the interaction between cultivars and sowing technique (C x S) revealed that the variety zardana and sowing method (C2xS4) interaction was more successful, achieving 93.667 germination %, 319.67 tiller (m-2), 123.10 productive spikes(m-2), and 78.83 non-productive spikes (m-2), respectively, 92.00 cm plant height, 15.10 cm spike length, 23.03 spikelets spike-1, 66.76 grains spike-1, 80.8 g 1000 grains, 4.6 t ha-1 grain yield, 45.7 cm peduncle length, and 5.4 t ha-1 straw weight. It was indicated that the effective collaborating of cultivar Ujala × 30 cm (plant-to-plant distance) affects yield and yield components as compared to other cultivars and sowing methods. The present research revealed the effective performance of Zardana wheat cultivar (Quetta region) on all yielding parameters as compared to Ujala (Faisalabad region). After reviewing the data of this study, it was determined that sowing the crop at a Plant x Plant spacing of 30 cm resulted in the highest tillering growth and yield. When it came to cultivars, the "Zardana (Quetta region) cultivar" outperformed the "Ugala (Faisalabad region) cultivar" by a large margin.
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