Domestic chicken, Broiler chicken, Pathogens, Antibiotics, crude proteinAbstract
Poultry meat is considered a favourite meal in Pakistan. It is one of the essential constituents of the human diet daily because it contains protein, vitamins, minerals, and energy. Poultry meat can cause illnesses like food poisoning and typhoid etc. Our study aims to isolate pathogenic microbes and nutritional analysis of different poultry meat samples. Samples of domestic (30) and broilers chicken’s (30) meat were collected from different areas (Swat, Malakand, Mardan, Charsadda and Peshawar) of the market randomly. Selective and differential media were used for bacterial growth. The staining techniques and biochemical test were used to identify the bacteria as gram-negative or positive. Different biochemical tests, like Oxidase, Catalase and Triple Sugar Iron (TSI), were performed for the bacterial identification. Disc diffusion procedure was performed to test a panel of antibiotics belongs to different classes against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The nutritional analysis was performed by AOAC method. Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perferingens, Listiria monocytogenes, Yersinia enterocolitica and Campylobacter jejoni were seven different types of bacteria identified from meat sample. Aspergillus and Penicillium, fungi were identified from broiler chicken meat. From the result of antibiotic sensitivity, the most potent antibiotics found against bacteria were ciprofloxacin and Cefotaxime (54%) respectively, followed by ceftriaxone and Gentamicin (40%), respectively, followed by ceftazidim and Imepenem (19%) while pepracillin and penicillin antibiotic were mostly showed resistant. The result of Nutritional analysis showed that crude protein, crude fats, crude fibers, crude ash and crude moisture in domestic chicken meat ranged from 84.19 to 90.52%, 0.62% to 2.30%, 0.36% to 0.65%, 3.70% to 93% and 1.9% to 3.77% respectively. Similarly, in Broiler chicken meat, the percentage of crude protein, crude fats, crude fibers, crude ash and crude moisture ranged from 75.35% to 86.10%, 4.12% to 7.46%, 0.52% to 0.95%, 4.20% to 6.25%, and 1.92% to 2.78% respectively. The study concludes that domestic chicken meat contained a higher percentage of crude protein and crude moisture than broiler meat while a lower percentage of crude fats, crude fiber and crude ash than those of commercial broilers.
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