Various biotic, abiotic and anthropogenic factors are causing enormous food losses. Burgeoning human population demands for more food, however scarcity and unavailability of natural resources occurring globally. Major factors causing these losses include pests, diseases, pathogens, climatic changes, salinity, drought, loss of arable lands and weeds. Post-harvest losses are also responsible for devastating negative role towards global food losses. Inadequate use of resources leads to the exploitation and loss of arable land. Currently 38% losses to agriculture are solely caused by insect pests while 34% losses are due to weeds. Abiotic factors account for more than 50% agricultural losses. Arable land is decreasing day by day due to increased urbanization and industrialization. Climate change also potentially decreases 10-25% of agricultural productivity and forecasted to cause more within next 50 years. All these problems are worse in under-developed countries due to uncontrolled measures and lack of awareness among the community. It has been reported that human population will increase to 11 billion within next 80 years, it is crucial now to minimize these losses for in order to ensure food security and sustainable development. Food losses needs to be minimized by considering the current scenario and needs to devise appropriate strategies to enhance food production by exploiting minimum natural resources. Focus of this review article is to convey reasons of food losses worldwide and depletion of natural resources to research and farming community so that appropriate methods for food security and sustainability could be devised and implemented.
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