zinc sulphate, Zea mays, Vigna radiata, grain yield, intercropping, fertilizerAbstract
Maize is an important cereal crop grown throughout the world for its grain and green fodder. It is used as food for human and feed for animals. Maize is a crop that is most susceptible to Zinc deficiency. The selection of high yielding cultivars and chemical fertilizer use is of high purity under intensive cropping system. Mungbean is being used as food and protein supplements. It is being cooked with vegetables, incorporated with bread and cakes, used as boiled or roasted in syrup. It is also generally used for vegetable dishes and sprout for egg rolls. The present review discussed about the use of zinc sulphate for the improvement of crop yield and quality of maize with mungbean in intercropping system. The present review revealed that plant uses Zinc in many of its vital processes such as protein synthesis, membrane’s structure and functions, expression of genes and tolerance against oxidative stress. The impacts of zinc deficiency cannot be ignored as it has very much serious implication regarding immune system and growth. The use of Zinc for improvement of grain yield of maize and munbean plays an important role. Hence, it should be used as micro nutrient for improving output of maize and mungbean in sole and intercropping growing patterns.
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