Hepatitis B virus, Prevalence, genotype D, liver disease, Khyber PakhtunkhwaAbstract
About 3% of Pakistani population is the carrier of hepatitis B virus, and infection is growing at a steady rate. The current study reviews the situation of HBV in the KP population. Approximately 85 studies related to the prevalence of HBV and its genotypes in this region were searched using various databases. The mean and standard deviation based on collected data indicates an HBV prevalence of 110.09%±3.71 in general population, 2.51% ± 0.01 in healthy blood donors, 1.74% ± 0.01 in health care workers, 3.40% ±0.00 in healthy children, 1.27% ± 0.00 in pregnant women, 22.40% in drug abusers. The percent prevalence of infection is 5.98% ± 0.02 in multi-transfused people, 26.61% ± 0.12 in patients with liver disease, and 4.11% ± 0.02 in patients with dental treatment and ophthalmic, respectively. Genotype D is the most prevalent genotype, with a value of 41.77%. The area must be vaccinated, and more preventive care and immunization services should be provided.
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